Trainings with Mateja Milost

Knowledge as the path to satisfied customers and better sales results

Based on more than 27 years of assistance of domestic and foreign companies and my academic experience, I have developed a training programme called USPEŠEN.SI (SUCCESSFUL.SI), which contributes to business and sales excellence in many Slovenian companies. 

USPEŠEN.SI is a comprehensive and proven system of skills for raising the core competences of employees that are needed for companies to increase their market efficiency and achieve business excellence. The programme consists of four independent modules, which are interlinked to form a coherent whole.

Marketing and Sales Academy

Marketing and Sales Academy

A modular programme of interactive workshops covering all the key skills in marketing and sales. The programme is based on practical techniques and tools and involves all levels of employees. This is a proven concept that works! To date, more than 350 companies and over 1200 participants have trusted us.

Effective communication

Effective communication

Effective, clear and consistent communication is the foundation of good interpersonal and business relations and a prerequisite for fruitful cooperation. Here we learn how to express ourselves efficiently and how to formulate understandable messages, both orally and in writing, and how to use non-verbal messages and body language that go far beyond the use of words. There is no good business without effective negotiation, therefore we also learn the skills of successful negotiators who use arguments and charisma to win and maintain excellent relations with their clients.

We all sell

We all sell

"We All Sell" is a targeted programme built on the understanding that satisfied and delighted customers are the only guarantee of a company's long-term existence and success in the market. We will learn about what and who contributes to customer satisfaction and show how the right way of working, thinking, behaving and communicating of all employees can lead to higher customer satisfaction and better business results.

Personality is the key to success

Personality is the key to success

Our personality, more than our knowledge and various skills determines how successful we will be in business and in life in general. Personal and business success is based on our decision to assume full responsibility of our lives, shed the role of victim, step out of our comfort zone, set
goals that are high enough, and then achieve them with courage and perseverance. "Personality is the Key to Success" is a programme in which we will learn how to discover and develop our personal mission and potential, how to make the right steps on the path to career excellence and learn how to achieve personal satisfaction in general, despite the unstable circumstances in which we live.

2 7 +

Years of experience

1 5 0 0 +

Completed projects

5 0 0 +

Satisfied customers

2 5 +

International projects

Looking for a business opportunity in foreign markets?

Contact us and together we will map out the steps to your export success.

+386 (0)41 331 663 Enquiry
Marketing strategy and sales expert
Marketing strategy and sales expert and lecturer at the School of Engineering and Business, University of Nova Gorica

Knowledge and experience that inspires and motivates

Mateja is a marketer by profession and at heart. She is communicative, smiling and intuitive. She knows how to listen, empathise and cooperate loyally. She is distinguished by her knowledge, precision and practical approach, which is why more than 500 domestic and international clients have trusted her to date. Her primary guiding principle is customer satisfaction. Mateja is a consultant and lecturer who inspires and motivates...


»Expansion to foreign markets is not just a business opportunity, it is a development necessity and an investment in the long-term survival and success of your business«.


Director Mateja Milost

The Digital Marketing Voucher (website development) is co-funded by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. The co-funding was obtained through the Digital Marketing Voucher (website).

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