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2 7 +

Years of experience

1 5 0 0 +

Completed projects

5 0 0 +

Satisfied customers

2 5 +

International projects

Looking for a business opportunity in foreign markets?

Contact us and together we will map out the steps to your export success.

+386 (0)41 331 663 Enquiry
Marketing strategy and sales expert
Marketing strategy and sales expert and lecturer at the School of Engineering and Business, University of Nova Gorica

Knowledge and experience that inspires and motivates

Mateja is a marketer by profession and at heart. She is communicative, smiling and intuitive. She knows how to listen, empathise and cooperate loyally. She is distinguished by her knowledge, precision and practical approach, which is why more than 500 domestic and international clients have trusted her to date. Her primary guiding principle is customer satisfaction. Mateja is a consultant and lecturer who inspires and motivates...


»Expansion to foreign markets is not just a business opportunity, it is a development necessity and an investment in the long-term survival and success of your business«.


Director Mateja Milost

The Digital Marketing Voucher (website development) is co-funded by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. The co-funding was obtained through the Digital Marketing Voucher (website).

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